Jun 12, 2020

FC4S in Switzerland – Geneva/Zurich

Case Study

FC4S in Switzerland – Geneva/Zurich

As the global headquarters of the FC4S Network, FC4S’s work in Switzerland builds on the strength of Federal and Canton sustainable finance efforts and that of our two Swiss based members, Sustainable Finance Geneva (SFG) and Swiss Sustainable Finance (SSF) respectively.

The mission of SFG is to connect, support and promote the community which has helped put Geneva on the map as one of the world’s top centres for sustainable finance. They complement their core activities with special projects aimed at maximizing synergies across the sustainable finance ecosystem.

SSF strengthens the position of Switzerland in the global marketplace for sustainable finance by informing, educating and catalyzing growth. The association, founded in 2014, has representation in Zurich, Geneva and Lugano. Currently SSF unites 150 members and network partners from financial service providers, investors, universities and business schools, public sector entities and other interested organisations.

In October 2019, FC4S successfully held its third AGM in Geneva. Bringing 30 international financial centres to Geneva led FC4S Swiss members to co-organise the first ever sustainable finance week in Geneva. Structured around the theme “Building Bridges”, the event sought to build bridges between the world of finance and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in order to maximize their collective impact.

Central to the Week was the Building Bridges Summit which brought together some 800 decision-makers at the Bâtiment des Forces Motrices in Geneva, symbolically located on a bridge linking the left bank – the headquarters of finance – and the right bank – the international Geneva.