The UNEP FI Holistic Impact Analysis Methodology
Learn about the recent developments in biodiversity finance and explore solutions to overcome nature-related risks in their jutrisdictions.
Principles for Climate Aligned Finance
A tool that helps financial institutions identify what matters most when developing a climate alignment strategy.
The importance of data for ESG finance and how to work with it to be actors of a just transition respectful of climate and nature.
Asia, Africa and the Gulf – The world’s leading financial centres progress in sustainable finance
Key takeaways from the 2021 State of Play report, based on the FC4S Annual Assessment Programme (AP).
Europe and the Americas -The world’s leading financial centres progress in sustainable finance.
Key takeaways from the 2021 State of Play report, based on the FC4S Annual Assessment Programme (AP).
One to One with Mairead McGuinness
European Commissioner for financial services, financial stability, and Capital Markets Union.