May 16, 2022

Science-based tools webinar series: Data for ESG Finance

Science-based tools webinar series: Data for ESG Finance

Event Location : Online

Science-Based Tools for Financial Institutions

Given the urgent need to take effective climate action and the role of science in developing financial institutions’ transition pathways, FC4S invites you to a series of webinars presenting available instruments that, scientifically, may help address the challenges that financial institutions are facing. This event aims to help inform and manage the reporting, measurement and disclosing aspects of sustainable finance strategies at the financial institution level by showcasing freely available tools and methodologies.


May 16th – Data for ESG Finance

On this occasion, FC4S and Carbon 4 Finance invite financial professionals to learn about the importance of data for ESG finance and how to work with it to be actors of a just transition respectful of Climate and Nature.

Carbon4 Finance provides financial institutions with a complete set of climate and biodiversity data solutions
that allow financial organisations to measure the carbon and biodiversity footprint of their portfolio, assess the alignment with a 2°C-compatible scenario, and measure the impacts that arise from events related to climate change and biodiversity loss.

The panellists will be ensuring the reliability of these instruments, showing how their inputs are based on scientific knowledge and evidence, and demonstrating the impact of their application in the financial sectors.

Considering time differences, each webinar will be held at two different times to make this a global event. The workshops will be in English, will last approximately one hour, and include a Q&A Section.


May 16th at 9h CET (East time) – Registration link

May 16th at 17h CET (West time) – Registration link