Mar 10, 2022

Webinar: The world’s leading financial centres progress in sustainable finance

Webinar: The world’s leading financial centres progress in sustainable finance

Event Location : Zoom

On March 10th 2022, the UNDP- hosted Financial Centres for Sustainability is hosting a webinar on the key takeaways from the 2021 state of play report, based on the FC4S Annual Assessment Programme (AP), a first of its kind in evaluating the state of sustainable finance across the world’s leading financial centres.

Explore how the FC4S Annual Assessment Programme, has contributed to mapping, measuring, and understanding financial centres’ relative position against best-in-class practices, identifying market failures and barriers that prevent sustainable financial markets from developing.


A session for Asia, Africa and the Gulf – 9:30 AM CET:

A session for Europe and the Americas: 4:00 PM CET: