The boundary and names shown and the designations used on this map
do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.
Final boundary between the Republic of Sudan and the Republic of South
Sudan has not yet been determined.
Dotted line represents approximately the Line of Control
in Jammu and
Kashmir agreed upon by India and Pakistan.
The final status of Jammu
and Kashmir has not yet been agreed upon by the parties.
Financial centre entities differ in terms of institutional structures and mandates – stemming from the types of institutions present, market size, and level of internationalization of capital flows.
As their core functions relate to market development and national, regional, or international promotion, many are structured as public-private agencies or market associations. Certain financial centre entities have regulatory and supervisory functions for the local market, while others may be linked to municipal government.
As the FC4S membership grows, their institutional models show greater diversity. In the 2019 survey, 42% of respondent entities were public-private partnerships, with increases in the number of municipally-linked entities.