Jun 03, 2024

Reflecting on the Bridging Africa-Europe SDG Investment Summit

Reflecting on the Bridging Africa-Europe SDG Investment Summit

The UNDP FC4S Secretariat had the honor of participating in the Bridging Africa-Europe SDG Investment Summit from 3 – 5 June 2024 in Kenya. Engaging in profound discussions on mobilizing private capital towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Kenya and across Africa was a truly enriching experience. 

The summit was a remarkable showcase of SDG-aligned enterprises in Kenya such as the Kenya Private Sector Alliance, Kenya Association of Manufacturers, and the Africa Venture Philanthropy Alliance (AVPA), as well as government representatives, including Cabinet Secretary Prof. Njuguna Ndung’u. This diverse array underscored the essential contribution of various associations and the government in driving capital flows towards impactful enterprises. 

The African region, and especially Kenya, Nigeria and Rwanda, is rapidly emerging as a global leader in sustainable finance innovations, putting them at the forefront of creating solutions that benefit the entire planet. Discussions at the summit emphasized the critical need for an enabling environment for SDG investments, showcasing successful case studies and innovative financial mechanisms. It was clear that collaborative efforts between the private sector, government, and non-profit organizations are vital for unlocking Africa’s sustainable finance potential. 

The FC4S team was represented by Stephen Nolan, Managing Director of UNDP FC4S, Oscar Njuguna, CEO of the Nairobi International Finance Center and Co-chair of the UNDP FC4S network, and Kennedy Mmasi, UNDP SDG Investment Lead.