Welcome to our workstreams

Welcome to our workstreams

FC4S 2023 Workstreams

A survey that provides a global baseline of the sustainability and contribution of the world's leading financial centres to the SDGs.

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  • Design and conduct the Assessment Programme survey.
  • Collect data and conduct member interviews.
  • Undertake the analysis of results.
  • Respondents’ personalized reports.
  • Global report (COP28).
A practical tool to set priorities and related actions and coordinate activities among stakeholders to accelerate the expansion of transition finance.

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  • Transition Finance Mapping Exercise.
  • Guidance for the Operationalization of the G20 Transition Finance Framework?
  • SME Transition Finance.
  • UNDP Taxonomy Service Offer & implementation.
Guidance to build capacity on sustainable finance and strengthen the financial system.

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  • Guidance on Disclosure Gov. Structures.
  • ISSB Programme: National Sustainability Disclosure Boards.
  • Promotion of UNDP SDG Academy.
  • Skills Assessment.
Provides investors and project developers with a roadmap for turning country-level SDG priorities into investable opportunities that align with countries’ development needs and investor requirements.

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  • Pilot countries selection.
  • Technical assistance.
  • Country network of investors.
  • Strategic investment plan (COP28 launch).
Raises awareness of gender finance priorities and focuses on experience and best practice exchange to drive progress on this agenda.

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  • FC4S Members Diagnostic Needs Assessment.
  • FC4S Gender Charter.
  • Gender Finance Booklet for financial centres.
  • Capacity Building Activities.
Raises awareness of biodiversity finance priorities and focuses on experience and best practice exchange to drive progress on this agenda.

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  • Guidance on TNFD.
  • Pilot implementation of TNFD.