Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Integration

On behalf of the FC4S Gender Finance Working Group, FC4S invites you to an open webinar.

Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Integration

20 June 2024

Session 1 – 11 a.m. CET  to 12:20 p.m. CET

Session 2 – 4 p.m. CET to 5:20 p.m. CET

Click here to join the webinar on Zoom.

The webinar aims to provide the tools and strategies needed to integrate gender equality into organizational structures.

Featured Speakers:

  • Fabienne Michaux, Director of SDG Impact at UNDP, lead developer of the SDG Impact Standards;
  • Andrea Castaño, UNDP Gender Equality Seal (GES), Expert in Gender Economics and Private Sector Policy.

Topics will include:

  • How to identify and understand global baselines for Gender Equality Seal and the SDG Impact Standards;
  • How to develop, measure, and report on gender performance metrics and targets;
  • How to implement Gender Equality tools to enhance and track gender equality efforts.

Financing nature and climate goals

Financing nature and climate goals

Understanding Biodiversity Credit Markets & the Nature-Finance Alignment Tool

Friday, June 16th – 9:00-10:15 CET, Online – Register here

Friday, June 16th– 17:00-18:15 CET, Online – Register here


Co-hosted by UNDP Financial Centres for Sustainability (FC4S), IFD and NatureFinance


Session Concept:

The landmark Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) agreed by nearly 200 countries at CBD COP15 calls for the global financial sector to align their portfolios with nature positive and net zero outcomes. Innovative instruments, tools and pilot programmes are quickly evolving to enable and finance this transition, leveraging existing platforms and initiatives that bring together market actors, civil society, representatives of indigenous peoples and local communities, experts, and policymakers.

Both regulation and revenue opportunities are driving innovation in two key areas that will be the focus of this webinar:


Shaping frameworks and governance for high-integrity biodiversity credit markets

(Target 19 (d) of the GBF, noting a commitment to “stimulating innovative schemes such as payment for ecosystem services, green bonds, biodiversity offsets and credits, benefit-sharing mechanisms”)

Biodiversity credit markets continue to evolve alongside increased levels of technical knowledge on processing the complexity of biodiversity and reflecting it in scaleable market-based approaches. Getting biodiversity credit markets right is a determining factor in achieving our climate, nature, and broader development goals. If we fail to do so, this may impair our ability to reach the global climate and biodiversity goals. For these markets to reach their potential however, and not result in perverse outcomes, the establishment of integrity principles and a robust, actionable governance framework is critical.


Mainstreaming the alignment of financial flows with nature

(Goal D and Target 14 of the GBF which signal the importance of mainstreaming the alignment of financial flows with nature)

Public and private financial instutions, and Governments, need to understand the degree to which their financial flows are aligned or misaligned with nature-related goals. The Nature-Finance Alignment Tool uses existing metrics and frameworks to help financial
institutions not only track the overall alignment of their portfolios, but also to identify less aligned regions and sectors, and to address some of the key disclosure metrics linked to TNFD.



  • Jeremy Eppel, Associate Principal, NatureFinance
  • Mark Halle, Senior Advisor, FC4S
  • Dorothee Herr, Senior Associate, NatureFinance
  • Maxim Vergeichik, Senior Nature Economist, UNDP


  • Marguerite Culot, Director of programmes and partnerships, IFD

Science-based tools webinar series: The TPI Tool

Science-Based Tools for Financial Institutions

Given the urgent need to take effective climate action and the role of science in developing financial institutions’ transition pathways, FC4S developed a series of webinars to present available instruments that help address the challenges financial institutions face in developing their strategies and aligning their portfolios. This sequence of events aims to familiarize financial professionals with available tools and methodologies that help report, measure, and disclose aspects of sustainable finance strategies.


September 14– The TPI tool – the ‘go-to’ corporate climate action benchmark

The UNDP FC4S Network and Transition Pathway Initiative (TPI) invite financial professionals to learn about the TPI tool. It provides robust independent research to empower investors to assess their portfolio alignment with the Paris Agreement’s goals and drive real-world emission reductions through their actions. Its universe covers 479 companies across 16 sectors with a total market cap of USD 10 trillion. Moreover, it provides the Climate Action 100+ Benchmark to assess 167 of the most carbon-intensive and regionally significant companies. Its data has been embedded into the FTSE-TPI Climate Transition Index and is increasingly referenced by London Stock Exchange. TPI has acquired 124 supporters with a combined AUM of $45 trillion.

This global initiative, led by Asset Owners and supported by Asset Managers, Service Providers, and non-profits, assesses companies’ preparedness to transition to a low carbon economy, supporting efforts to address climate change and has published four State of Transition reports.

This webinar will be held in English at two different times, last one hour, and include a Q&A session to allow for direct interactions with the specialist.



Beata Bienkowska – Deputy Research and Project Lead




Beata is the deputy research lead and project lead for TPI. Beata has over 12 years of experience working across the public sector on a national level and EU institutions, and academia. She recently served as a Programme Manager at the University of Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership Accelerator leading the Innovators for Change Acceleration Programme. Prior to this, her focus was on developing policies and dialogues and supporting businesses in the energy, climate, and economics while working for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European External Action Service. She holds a postgraduate degree in energy and economics from the Warsaw School of Economics.



The TPI Tool 1 – Science-based tools webinar series – YouTube

Science-based tools webinar series: UNEP FI Holistic Impact Analysis Methodology

Science-Based Tools for Financial Institutions

Given the urgent need to take effective climate action and the role of science in developing financial institutions’ transition pathways, FC4S developed a series of webinars to present available instruments that help address the challenges financial institutions face in developing their strategies and aligning their portfolios. This sequence of events aims to familiarize financial professionals with available tools and methodologies that help report, measure, and disclose aspects of sustainable finance strategies.


July 7 – UNEP FI Holistic Impact Analysis Methodology

In this session, you will learn about the UNEP FI Holistic Impact Analysis Methodology. This approach is a two-step process to understand and manage actual and potential positive and negative impacts across the spectrum of environmental, social, and economic issues. It ensures that interconnections between sustainability topics can be both managed and leveraged. This methodology has been operationalized in the form of a suite of Tools for Holistic Impact Analysis for use by financial intuitions and their clients.



Careen Abb

SDGs & Impact, Programme Lead, UNEP Finance Initiative

 Careen leads UNEP FI’s SDGs & Impact work stream, a think-and-do space within UNEP FI focused on closing the $2.5 trillion SDG financing gap.

Careen managed the process leading to the Principles for Positive Impact (PI Principles), released in January 2017 and marking the beginning of the Impact & SDGs work stream at UNEP FI. In 2018 she co-authored Rethinking Impact to Finance the SDGs, which spells out UNEP FI’s unique theory of impact, positing that impact can and will become a core business driver, and advocating for holistic impact analysis and management as the gateway to an impact-based economy.

She has since managed the development of a unique holistic impact management methodology, leading to the release of suite of tools, the Portfolio Impact Analysis Tools, a Corporate and a Real Estate Impact Analysis Tool. The Bank Portfolio Tool is built to support banks in achieving compliance with UNEP FI’s 2019 Principles for Responsible Banking, which further promote an impact-focused approach. She is responsible for managing UNEP FI’s involvement in the Impact Management Platform, of which it is currently the Co-Chair.

Costanza Ghera

SDGs & Impact, Content Manager, UNEP Finance Initiative

Costanza works as a content manager in the SDGs & Impact team at UNEP FI. She focuses on the development of the UNEP FI Holistic Impact Analysis Tools which enable banks, investors and their corporate clients and investee companies to implement a holistic approach to impact analysis and management. Additionally, she closely supports UNEP FI members with the implementation of their impact analysis through workshops, group sessions and bilateral discussions. Prior to joining UNEP FI, she worked at the World Business Council for Sustainable Development as a reporting analyst, at the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation in the press and communications office and in a couple of environmentally and socially focused NGOs. Her academic background is in Political Science and International Relations, with a specialization in social science and sustainability.

July 7 at 9h CET (East time) – Registration link

July 7 at 17h CET (West time) – Registration link


Biodiversity Finance Webinar

Recent developments, challenges, and opportunities in Biodiversity finance

All stakeholders in financial and capital markets are reckoning with the challenge of Biodiversity Finance from central banks and supervisors, institutional investors, stock exchanges and bond markets, to standard setters, ratings agencies and data providers. The link between climate and biodiversity action is becoming clearer. Climate change is one of the primary drivers of the natural world’s decline but mitigation and adaptation efforts are made considerably more challenging by the continued plundering of natural resources, which in turn causes further destruction of the natural world and exacerbates the climate emergency

May 25th and May 30th

FC4S invites all members to learn about the recent developments in biodiversity finance and explore solutions to overcome nature-related risks in their jurisdictions.

The webinar will go through the published FC4S paper on biodiversity and open the audience to a discussion on how to overcome challenges related to five key facets of biodiversity finance, namely, transparency and disclosure, Fintech, data, financial instruments, nature positive norms.

The webinar will be in English, will last approximately one hour, and include a Q&A Section.

May 25th anytime at 5 pm CET – Register here

May 30th anytime at 9 am CET- Register here 


Science-based tools webinar series: Data for ESG Finance

Science-Based Tools for Financial Institutions

Given the urgent need to take effective climate action and the role of science in developing financial institutions’ transition pathways, FC4S invites you to a series of webinars presenting available instruments that, scientifically, may help address the challenges that financial institutions are facing. This event aims to help inform and manage the reporting, measurement and disclosing aspects of sustainable finance strategies at the financial institution level by showcasing freely available tools and methodologies.


May 16th – Data for ESG Finance

On this occasion, FC4S and Carbon 4 Finance invite financial professionals to learn about the importance of data for ESG finance and how to work with it to be actors of a just transition respectful of Climate and Nature.

Carbon4 Finance provides financial institutions with a complete set of climate and biodiversity data solutions
that allow financial organisations to measure the carbon and biodiversity footprint of their portfolio, assess the alignment with a 2°C-compatible scenario, and measure the impacts that arise from events related to climate change and biodiversity loss.

The panellists will be ensuring the reliability of these instruments, showing how their inputs are based on scientific knowledge and evidence, and demonstrating the impact of their application in the financial sectors.

Considering time differences, each webinar will be held at two different times to make this a global event. The workshops will be in English, will last approximately one hour, and include a Q&A Section.


May 16th at 9h CET (East time) – Registration link

May 16th at 17h CET (West time) – Registration link

Science-based tools webinar series: Principles for Climate Aligned Finance

Science-Based Tools for Financial Institutions


Given the urgent need to take effective climate action and the role of science in developing financial institutions’ transition pathways, FC4S invites you to a series of webinars presenting available instruments that, scientifically, may help address the challenges that the financial institutions are facing. This event aims to help inform and manage the reporting, measurement and disclosing aspects of sustainable finance strategies at the financial institution level by showcasing freely available tools and methodologies.


May 5th – Principles for Climate Aligned Finance


On this occasion, FC4S and RMI’s Center for Climate Aligned Finance (CCAF) invite you to learn about the Impact + Principles for Climate Alignes Finance, that help financial institutions identify what matters most when developing climate alignment strategies, and their sectoral approaches such as the Poseidon Principles, and get in touch with their representatives to find out how to use their principles.

The panellists will be ensuring the reliability of these instruments, showing how their inputs are based on scientific knowledge and evidence, and demonstrating the impact of their application in the financial sectors.

Considering time differences, each webinar will be held at two different times to make this a global event. The workshops will be in English, will last approximately one hour, and include a Q&A Section.


May 5th at 9h CET (East time) – Registration link

May 5th at 17h CET (West time) – Registration link

Webinar: The world’s leading financial centres progress in sustainable finance

On March 10th 2022, the UNDP- hosted Financial Centres for Sustainability is hosting a webinar on the key takeaways from the 2021 state of play report, based on the FC4S Annual Assessment Programme (AP), a first of its kind in evaluating the state of sustainable finance across the world’s leading financial centres.

Explore how the FC4S Annual Assessment Programme, has contributed to mapping, measuring, and understanding financial centres’ relative position against best-in-class practices, identifying market failures and barriers that prevent sustainable financial markets from developing.


A session for Asia, Africa and the Gulf – 9:30 AM CET:

A session for Europe and the Americas: 4:00 PM CET:


Webinar “Financial Centres on the Road to COP26” – WAIFC & FC4S

Within the framework of the Climate Finance Week, the UN-convened Financial Centres for Sustainability (FC4S) is organizing a public webinar in association with the World Alliance of International Financial Centers (WAIFC) on: “Financial Center on the road to COP26“.


They have created a space that will focus on the Sustainable Finance Agenda within Financial Centres, their advances on aligning their portfolios with the zero-carbon transition, and the Paris Alignment, to precede and enrich the COP26 discussions.


Event Timing: Wednesday, October 13th at 14.00h CET


Register here